Monday, June 18, 2018

New Battle System formation view

Guys, look's like my deepest dream for the game battle system is close to be realized, I've been able to make the initial scripting of the new battle system, and the initial results made it look good.

The new Battle System will have a radial positioning of the combatants, so each of them will be on their side of the arena, on their position, and while they are placed together on the same battle, while on the same row, you can see that it actually really makes a circle around the battle area.

Not only that, but the farther from the camera the monster is, the smaller it is seen, aswell as depending on their position on the battle field, their sprite will either be flipped, or show the frontal/back sprite of the monster animation. Of course there will be special effects for the battle, like camera focusing where there is the action, aswell as some zoom play to better focus on the combat, but for me to begin working on that, I should start reworking the skills system to make use of the new combat system.

At first, I made the battle system like this:
Kangaroo cultists battlers in their formation.

Then I noticed that things could go wrong if multiple players/monsters joined the same team, so I expanded it into this:
The Kangaroo cult teams has grown in number of members.
As you can see above, there is a little positioning issue when the monsters are way too above on the screen, I kind of found a solution to that problem, but I had to deactivate it on the code, because for some reason, were causing monsters that were on the upper left extreme of the screen to "phase out" when reaching the middle of the screen, and then "phase in" from the center of the arena to their spot.

I'll try thinking on how I could solve that particular issue, anyway, that is all for today's news, until next news about the project.

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