Friday, April 29, 2022

Guild Management Game project got a third patch.

 I launched a while ago a new patch with a number of changes on the game. One of those changes, is making the screen actually scale correctly depending on screen resolution.

The photo above may not seem like much changed to you, because my monitor doesn't have astronomic resolutions, but the interface itself actually got bigger.

I had to do quite a number of tweaks and fixes on the game aswell since the launch. I hope you guys like it.

By the way, I'm working on the dialogue system of the game. So far, I managed to make the interface and the dialogue scripts communicate with each other, now all that's left is put them into use. I plan on adding some dialogues on the quarter for the guild creation.

Soon enough, I'll be able to add npcs, and maybe a way of letting you speak with your guild members. What could your guild members have to tell to you?

You can get the update on the link of the main post, aswell as check for the changes I remembered on the bottom of it:

Have fun. :3

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Want to test my guild management project? Here it goes.

 The alpha version of my guild management game project is ready for testing.

Version 4 - May, 1st 2022

There isn't actually much you can do, other than grinding your characters in this version of the game, but at least it's somewhat playable. You not only can create your guild, but also can have multiple guilds saved in your computer, in case you have someone who wants to try the game.

As time passes, I'll try adding new contents to the game.

You can download the game from the link bellow:

Little infos you may need to know about the game, or in case you get stuck:

Guild Hall:

  • There is currently no limit of guild members you can have on your guild hall, so if you want to create everyone, go ahead.
  • You can move characters on the quarter. You can make them take combat or normal stance by clicking the character you're controlling, or making them sitdown by pressing Insert.
  • Select your team members on the list to the right, then click "Join Team" to add the character to your group. The same can also be done to remove them from the team. You can have up to 3 characters on the team at once.
  • On the Select Deployment Interface to the bottom left, you can select where your characters will move to. If you have just left a map, you can return to that place if you didn't left by being defeated.
Gavea (City):
  • There isn't much to be done here. You can leave the town by going south. The south part of the town actually has houses and stuff, but the center and north doesn't.
Controlling your party:
  • Clicking the character portrait, the character itself, or pressing F1, F2 or F3 will select the leader character.
  • Clicking the check box next to the character name will make so orders affects them or not.
  • Pressing ' or ~ (depends on your keyboard) will make the game switch between selecting individually or group. Use that in case you want to make your melee attack first, or from another position.
  • Pressing Space makes all members select take defensive mode. They will attack anything that comes near them in that state.
  • Pressing Ctrl+Space will make characters loot items around them.
  • Holding Ctrl while clicking somewhere, will make the characters move while attacking monsters in the way.
  • Clicking a monster will make the group attack it. Clicking an item will make the leader try looting it.
  • Pressing Insert will make your characters sitdown on the floor. While sitdown, health regeneration is faster.
  • Techniques are stances or combat styles your characters can take. You can access it by entering the game world with a group, and clicking the Technique button on the top left of the screen.
  • Technique gains experience as you hurt something while it's active.
  • Each technique needs the character to be wielding weapon related to it in order for the character to use that technique.
  • Active skills can be placed on the skill slots of the technique window. Click their icon to have it held, and then click the slot 1 to 5 in the same window to assign it.
  • In the character nameplate, you can see the keys the skills are assigned to. Press the skill key to use it.
  • The Info button lets you know more about the stance, and weapons required for use.
  • Except for equipments, items doesn't have much use. You can sell the items you acquired on the map to gain some golds on the Quarter.
  • There's a temporary store on the quarter, where you can buy and sell items. You can buy equipments there too, but at the time I was writing this, only Umbra had different stances, so be sure to check his stance infos before buying anything.
Be sure to give me feedback any way possible, and I hope you have fun.
Also, there's a boss in South Gavea Field, try killing it and showing me the proof :3.

Patch log:

Version 2:
    Fixed a issue where you couldn't check skill description by right clicking it.

Version 3:
    Fixed interface scaling issues.
    Fixed night bats not giving exp.
        I also had to tweak the Acid Doggie and Small Willow exp to make them make sense.
    Nerfed Supressive Fire skill. Now it will only hit the same target up to 6 times.
    Tweaked clouds opacity.
    Fixed issue where Goat Horns could only stack once.
    Camera now rotates slower horizontally.
    Removed the Join Team and Remove from Team buttons.
        Now they appear under the selected character in the quarter.
    Added some lighting to the character creation screen.
    Added 2 more armors to the shop.
    Fixed and changed some other things that I've forgot.

Version 4:
    You can now know what each status increase on your character at the character creation screen.
    Fixed bug where you couldn't see item tooltip on your inventory.
    Monsters will now more likelly try attacking characters closer to them, than characters away from them.
    Npcs can now forget you if you run away from battle for a number of seconds.
    Added a level up effect.
    Added Pistol Shot sound.
    Changed how critical hits are shown.
    Melissa's gun shot animation has been improved.