Saturday, September 22, 2018

Multiple combat animations and animation tweaks on TNR Project.

And then, some more news on TNR Project.

This last weeks I've been working on some spriting jobs for the monsters, removed the weird shader on the back part of some of the monsters, and finished a good part of the new monsters sprites.

Alongside the sprite changes, some monsters has gained different attacks, the Kangaroo Mob for example, now can Punch, Double Punch, Kick, and do a UpperCut (beside it still needs some debugging).

I've also been working some more on some of the game mechanics, I'm trying to individualize how the monsters animations will be handled, so If I say, a monster is in a battle, and is also shown in the field, the Battle instance the monster is in will handle It's battle animation, while the Npc drawing system will handle It's field animation. This may be useful in the future, even more if there be something else implemented in the game that requires to use a custom animation for it.

I believe a few code cleaning will be necessary on the project, at least related to animations, aswell as give accessibility to some other things, like skills animations. I'll also need to move the codes related to monster positioning to the Battle system in the future, so reduces the data that will be stored in the monster data, possibly also reducing the memory usage of the game, beside right now, It's not really that big, I guess, but is always good to save, right?

That's all for today's news, until the next time. Maybe the next time I'll show some photos and gifs of the changes, beside something I wanted to do was display a video of the battle under action...

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