Thursday, February 20, 2020

Status changes and what has been added to TN Project

Hey guys. Huh, It's pretty lame that 3 of the games I've launched are automatic, and only 1 actually has some gameplay. Well, all of them are unfinished anyway. I guess in the future I'll manage to launch a rpg you can actually play, and no, I'm not talking of rpgs like TN project.

Talking about Tamers Network, I've did some changes to the status system of the game, aswell as how they work. I will still need to see them in action, and possibly do some changes to them.

Strength, Agility, Vitality, Inteligence, Dexterity and Luck are now gone, the new status system for now is as follow, aswell as their description:
Power [ATK]
Increases Physical Damage, Max Health and Physical Defense.
Tenacity [DEF]
Increases Physical Defense, Max Health and Critical Immunity.
Ferocity [SPD]
Increases Critical Damage, Evasion Rate and Attack Speed.
Expertise [ACC]
Increases Luck, Critical Rate and Accuracy Rate.
Wisdom [MAG]
Increases Magic Damage, Max Mana and Status Immunity.
Malice [EFF]
Increases Magic Defense, Status Rate and Status Power.
That is just a draft, though, It may end up being changed in the future (even more since Malice gives Magic Defense).

The changes to the status system is to make each status make the monster more inclined to something, so If a monster has high Tenacity, It means the monster will be more resistant to attacks, If a monster has more Malice, then will be able to inflict debuffs at higher chance, and also empower them.

Each status also somewhat are grouped by a build type:
Power and Tenacity are Melee Attributes.
Ferocity and Expertise are Speed Attributes.
Wisdom and Malice are Magic attributes.

Each of the three will make the monsters better at something, but that wont stop you from trying other gameplay styles depending on the status of your monsters.

By the way, say goodbye to Ranged Damage status, now ranged attacks will inflict Physical Damage. But possibly I'll try to add something to make the ranged attacks matter in comparission to melee attacks in the game.

As for the current progress in the game:

  • I've been able to create the Hair system of the character, which also resulted into adding a head that isn't attached to the outfit. (The new head and hair system will probably take less ram when loaded on the game)
  • Finished the Outfit system. (Freedom!! To build the character outfit. With up to 5 different colors to pick for each piece, depending on the outfit)
  • Finished the monster frame pointers system, which helps me at setting which parts of the monsters are where on every frame (will be useful for skills).
  • Added map scrolling.
  • Improved the map creator from tileset, includding the return of tile types on the game.
  • Water animation!
There is still some roads to take, but If I keep doing my best on the project, this will end up better than the first games.

The only thing that worries me, is when I have to begin making female character sprites, like outfits and hairstyle. I had some troubles making the player hair sprites, wonder if I make the female character version of the sprites.

Well, that is all for today's news, I would tell you about my idea for the status points right now, but I wont. Maybe I'll talk about it on a future news, because what It will need to work need to be built.

See ya next time.

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