Sunday, January 2, 2022

New Year Update

 Happy New Year Everybody!

Well, I've been in quite a few weeks leaving questions on your head, so I'll fill you in with what's up.

So, after thinking about the Tamers Network Project, I thought that wouldn't be very viable if I continue working on that source of the game, due to it being extremelly dated, and soon to be deprecated.

While looking at the alternatives of engine, I thought about Unity3D and GodotEngine, but I picked Unity3D because I'm mostly experienced with C#, and I managed to make a somewhat game before, with the aid of a friend who works with it.

I was working on a prototype of a game, which in the plannings involves creating a guild, and having a group of guild members carry on your quest by letting you control their squad on the world. While developing that prototype, I was working also on the scripts to handle 2D sprites in a 3D world.

That allows the sprite to face the camera, and character frame to change based on the diference between the sprite direction, and the camera direction. The result is on the video above, where the cube and the character are spinning on the same direction, while the character sprite faces a different direction based on sprite rotation.

Do notice that the sprites used on the prototypes are placeholders, which I used to help testing if the scripts were working as intended.

After that, I tried to play with Navmesh, and make the character walk on a terrain, and this is the result:

That required me to add more animations to the character spritesheet of it's object to make the character look like walking. But as you can see, it works. Also, do notice the beautiful ground textures.

And then, 5 days ago, I added 2 more characters, and made them move together when clicking the ground, and stand on a formation when stopped.

So far, things are going quite well with the prototype development.

Now you may be wondering about Tamers Network Project.

I think I may be able to recreate it on Unity 3D, but I don't think I can work on 2 projects at the same time.

The project above needs sprites of characters, to take off the placeholders, since they already did their job. Beside system wise, the project still needs some implementations on the scripts.

I can already wonder that Unity will ease a lot making the battle system of Tamers Network to work, since it will simplify the 3d aspects of the battle.

Well, that is it for the update. I hope you guys have a nice year.

Some time, I can see if I can make a prototype of TNR on Unity3D, and probably show you the progress.

Have fun.

Oh yeah, I'll try creating the habit of posting stuff I do on my Youtube channel, so if you're curious, check it out.

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