Thursday, December 15, 2022

Lavanda region accessible, but this is actually a hotfix.


Well, earlier this day I leaked a screenshot of a new area I was developing on the game. What I wasn't counting on, is the fact that I would end up releasing it literally the next day.

The reason for releasing it, is due to a bug with character creator, which caused the characters created to come without equipments. This update fixes that issue.

Since the update is out, lemme talk about its highlights.

New Map: Lavanda Wall

As you know above, this update brings a new map.
The Lavanda region has a cursed soil, which causes undeads to rise from it.
Due to that little condition, the only things you'll see here are the dead, and the destroyed buildings from the war between humans and monsters.
You may already wonder that this place is actually quite dangerous to explore, so explore at your own risk.

With the arrival of this new map, the Headless Horseman has moved to here.
Not only that means the Headless Horseman is no longer in Gavea Farmlands, but also it no longer has specific time of day to spawn, as long as its respawn time has passed.

This new map might need some changes and tweaks on the mobs in it, so future updates might bring new content to it.
As for bounty quests, currently there isn't bounty quests for some the Zombunnies. Beside, Lavanda isn't really Gavea territory, so doesn't make much sense having bounties for it, beside I believe it might be a good idea to have because it threatens the town.

Improved Loot Rates

Many of the rare accessory and weapon loots gained a boost on their drop rate, so you should no longer need to grind the hell out of a field just to get an accessory from a specific monster.

Well... Or at least I should say that, since that also depends on your luck.

The loot rate of hats is unchanged, by the way.

By the way, the Dog Collar accessory now drops from any Acid Doggie, instead of only from Giant Acid Doggie.
Alongside that, the Giant Acid Doggie loot has been fixed, so it should not only drop items from normal Acid Doggies, but also drop its own loot too.

Change Log

Readjusted Santa Hat position to be one pixel higher on the character heads.
Using furnitures now regenerates health faster like sitting on the ground.
Removed Sapphire Gemstones from Gavea Item Shop.
Supressive Fire and Headshot skills now should now work as intended.
Fixed issue where Cotton item wasn't stackable.
Nerfed Rifle Potence skill damage increase.
Dog Collar accessory will now drop from any Acid Doggie, instead of only from Giant Acid Doggie.
Fixed an issue where Giant Acid Doggie was incapable of dropping some items.
Escort quests will no longer spawn their escort characters when the quest is failed.
The stairway in Gavea Sewers B2 leading to B1 floor is no longer absurdly big.
Bumped the drop rate of a number of equipments.
Lavanda Wall map has been added.
Accessible by entering the south portal in Gavea Farmland.
That place is dangerous.
Headless Horseman boss has been moved to that place. It appears at any time if it's not in cooldown.
Reduced the Zombunnies Bleeding infliction chance when attacking from 70% to 30%.
Tweaked the AI of the Zombunnies.
They now have a particularity. Will you manage to find out what is it?
Fixed issue where newly created characters came without equipments.


You can download the update from here:

Enjoy your gameplay, and be careful not to be zombunny food.

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