Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Who is who, that matters. TNR Update news

I've found a solution for the issue, beside depending on the world size, and the maps loaded, that may bloat a bit the game in the future. I've made so the game gives an id to each monster in the world, and then add it with the monster reference to a temporary list that refreshes every frame, being that the list after each frame set's it's value to another list, and then resets.

Gameplay-side, that will look like there has been no change, but now, even buffs will know who is the caster and allow it's effect to happen even if the caster isn't in the same battle, so stacking debuffs isn't going to be a good idea.

I've also been able to reimplement part of the skill effect script, using the new effect function, currently it's working very well. Also includding the fact that multi target spells now works again, the only problem is that the monsters are attacking some monsters that are also being affected by a multi target attack, leading to a ridiculous looking combat event (Ex: A monster is walking to some target, until another monster comes and attacks it while in movement, then the monster slides with the hurt animation), of course I'll have to fix that.

I still have to test if those changes didn't generated any side effect that makes the game broken, so I can't tell for sure that this part of the development is over.  But, I really hope it didn't.

That's all, folks!

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