Thursday, April 18, 2019

Why capture if you can use dialogue? TNR News.

Hey guys, I've brought good news for the Tamers Network Project, and they are:

I've added a transition effect for when entering battle, now one of the three transition effects will be played once a battle starts.

I've also extended the capture system, now the "capture" function is assigned to a skill, so if your monster uses that skill on another monster, the game will then check if you captured or not the monster, If you did capture the monster, then It will join your side in the battle, and fight as an allied party member.

For now, that's what the Capture system does, I still need to finish it, so when the battle ends and the captured monster(s) is(are) still alive, you will be asked in the result screen if you want to keep that(those) monster(s).
If you keep the monster and you have enough space in the monster rooster, It will be added to your team.
Otherwise, you can refuse, but I still need to think about what the monster should offer for the sucessfull persuasion. Maybe some special item? Or maybe a temporary battle ally? Who knows.

Of course, you wont be able to capture all monsters in the world, npc monsters, already captured monsters and other player monsters wont be captureable.

And the last news, I've been able to fix a problem with the action skill positioning, I were having problems with it's position, since depending on the direction the sprite was facing, almost everytime had a weird positioning issue, so the skill effect didn't materialized in the correct place. That also made me do some tweaks on scripts related to monster animations, one of them makes so when a monster direction changes due to an animation script, the game will log the direction change, so when the game decides to change the monster animation again, It will take in consideration the fact that the sprite direction has changed due to animation script.

Well, that's all for the good news. I still have a lot to do in the project, but my pc is starting to display the effects of a long time without maintenance, not only my mouse is giving problems, but my pc were also having hard drive related issues. I do hope that the issues doesn't cause my pc to be unuseable, or else I'll have to use my brother's pc to continue the project, and I really feel bad even when I think about that possibility.

Let's hope that my pc issues wont get more critical with the time.

Well, that's all, until next news.

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