Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Animated changes in TNR

Hey there, I've once again came back to bring in news about TNR project:

The last weeks I've been quite not into programming, so I didn't do much in the project, but today I did so many changes and additions to the project.

I've changed how the game handles the monsters animations, now each frame will have it's own setups, like the points telling what is what, like eyes, mouth, and stuff. Those points will be used by certain skills that will require those.

To make it a bit more easier for me to set the points, I've created in the project an extra debug option so I could setup the points without having to mess with switches and lines of codes. I only need to beware not to do the dumbness of setting a point in another point type, even more since the new feature has a weird bug on the buttons, where I can only click them if I zoom in the monster sprite (???).

Due to the implementation of the new animation system, I've had to change a good number of things in the project, one of them is that when setting up the monster animations for the actions, I no longer need to specify the sprite size, or even the action points positions. That change made faster to create animation points, even more since each frame id will have It's own points.

Another news is that I added 2 new monsters to the game, but they currently only have the stopped animation frame. In the future I'll add more animations to them.

As for the planned things for the project, I've been thinking about adding conditionals to the skill effects, so they are triggered based on certain criteria, for example:
You use a skill where the monster attacks, but If the target has less than 50% of health left, the monster could attack again to inflict extra damage. That's just an example of what It the addition of conditions could do.

Well, for now I guess that's all. Sorry If I wrote a wall of gibberish that you can't understand, but today I didn't slept well, so stayed since about 6 am programming the game.

See you next time.

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