Thursday, June 20, 2019

A change of plans on TNR news.

Well, before you guys begins thinking that the project went downhill, it didn't went, just there isn't really much to say about it since I don't really have concrete things to talk or display about it's progress.

I've been thinking latelly, and I've been theorizing too much about what changed in the game, without showing any proof or images of it, so that's kind of a let down, but I do really like to talk about the changes in my project and what's planned, so I just have written away everything that came on mind.

I'll try to slowdown on the development news until I have some solid and interesting change that actually can be posted here, because minor changes like small tweaks on some systems and stuff isn't really all that exciting on the gamer side.

As for the game, It's still in development, but the development is stagnating because I barelly am being able to mess with it, because this month is being a twist in my life, even more since I'm having to look for a job to help with the house income, so yeah, busy.

That doesn't mean that the project was all abandoned, latelly I've been messing around the game systems to make some things works better, by adding some extra pointers on characters animation sprites for skill use purposes, aswell as changing how the animations will be handled, but I wont enter in detail about it until I get something worth talking about. But I have to say, at least the change in how the animations are handled made my job into creating new monsters easier, I only have to remember to create their sprite infos.

Currently I'm having some problems related to monster positioning in battle, but I believe I'll manage to figure out how to fix it, eventually.

Well, that's it for the news, I'll try bringing up something worth of progress news the next time I make a post here, If it's about TNR project, I mean.

See ya on the next news.

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