Monday, March 4, 2019

The nothing happened week, not

Hey guys, I came here to say that nothing happened. That's all, nothing at all.
I'm slacking... So bad....

Well, before you guys starts saying "Bad Raccoon, Bad" or something, the development of
TNR project is in the middle of a little... How could I call that... Complication, maybe?


I'm having currently a little problem related to skills, well, not exactly having, but it will be an issue in the future, at least if there are multiple fights happening on the same world.

Currently, what handles the skill effect duration is the skill effect script, so what tells if a skill is under effect or not, is the skill update script, which also handles effect drawing, characters positioning on the scene and other things. The problem is, If there are npcs fighting somewhere in the world, or in the multiplayer have multiple players participating of a battle, unnecessary informations like effect positioning, movement and even drawing will be handled when It will not be used, because:

  1. The server will not handle drawing the battle, so having it calculate and handle where will be drawn effect and stuff wont help on anything for the clients participating of the battle.
  2. If the npc isn't in a battle with the player participating of it, there is no need for the game to setup drawing effect for skills.
Leaving such information being handled by the game when not necessary could lead to severe problems to the game itself, like for example: Your game could slow down, because with all the battles being handled and skills having their position and effect scripts calculated, will cause the game/server to have less fps. And of course, that isn't nice.

I'm having to think how I'll make the server handle those kinds of things when the player isn't currently present in battle, or if the battle is being handled by the server.

On other news, my mouse seems to be behaving a bit latelly, for some reason. It's double click and miss click rate has lowered drastically, I have no idea of what happened, but It's good that the problem is solved, that means I can sprite again, I guess, aswell as play some games again.

And this last week I've been thinking about the fact of ditching and instead placing a donate button on my mod thread and this blog, for those who want to support my projects. isn't the most trustworthy ad redirector in the world, beside it allowed me to earn some money from what I did, beside most of it went to my games library on Steam.
Beside I really enjoy more the support I receive from the people who played my project, and I'm not talking in the financial side, but on the fan base side, because at least with people saying that they love what I do or even giving suggestions/critics to my project, doesn't have the eyes of a third person wanting profit of it, and recieving feedback from people makes me feel like I'm going at the right direction, because It's really good to see that there are people who cares about my project.
Now you may be wondering, why I didn't placed the Donation buttons on the blog or the forum threads, and I'll tell you why:

Since Patreon surged, I felt like the content creators are more like "Donate until a certain goal to see a new content" than "Donate to support my projects", and I don't want to give the impression that either or both are true in my case, with or without donation, I'll still keep trying to work on my projects, because I love it, and I love to see people being happy playing my projects. The donation is like an extra for what I do, If you want another way of expressing your thanks, you have.
So, why there isn't still a Donate button here? Well.. The only real project I've had released was N Terraria mod, and as you guys know, I discontinued the project, placing a Donate button on the forum thread would sound like as if I were butchering the project for money, and that kind of actitude I've had enough from several developers around the world.
As for my TNR project, It's still in development, and I feel like placing the button here would indirectly be used by people to donate for the project, whose I still don't know if will eventually be released or not, so if it ends up not being released, people will feel cheated, and if I manage to release it, I don't know if it will be a free game or not, if isn't, people might feel cheated too, because donated for something that isn't free, so that's why I don't feel right about placing the button here.

Well, that's actually my thoughts, and took longer than I thought. Sorry for talking so much about donation and monetary stuff, but I really doesn't feel well about thinking of the donations, for example, let's say: PC Gamer featured my mod last week, I talk about that to a parent of mine, the person didn't cared at all about the fact that my mod was featured as one of the best mods of Terraria, instead wanted to know if I could get lucre out of it. So yeah, that is the problem, all my effort down the drain due to a capitalist vision. At least that person can't blame me for spending the entire night doing what I want.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I really needed to take that out of my chest.
Until next news.

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