Thursday, July 11, 2019

Discontentment on monsters. TNR News

Well guys, long weeks no see, I guess? Well, today I've got to talk about the current game monsters, but first, I'll explain why of this news, If you are lazy and don't want to read a wall of text, then skim your way to the end of the blog post, to the part where the changes actually comes.

Ever since I begun making the monsters sprites on the game, something was telling me that the sprite was quite off, and that the monsters designs themselves weren't very... Alright? At least for monsters, even more since... Beside they are actually different, they doesn't really feel very different from each other, of course they have different animations, but almost every monster in the game is literally an humanoid creature, if you gave a quick look, you'd say that they are all humanoid creatures, not unique or "Oh! What a cool and different creature."

What kind of gave me the clue that the monsters are... Lame, let's say, is the fact that when "accidentally" watching other monster taming games or cartoons, the monsters themselves are different, they look unique, and you can distinguish it from a real animal, or even tell what kind of animals and other things were fused in to make that creature.

That kind of thought has been in my mind for a long time, and even resulted into me, recreating the Cait Sith monster, whose at least on my point of view, is very different and unique, compared to the other monsters. I believe that I will have to add more unique design to the monsters, when making their sprites, but that also means a lot of monsters will have to be resprited too, and that lead me into another idea:

I'll reduce the walking animation frames, because not only not many people will mind watching a full animation of a monster walking, but also that takes potential frames for other monster animations, so some of the frames that are used for walking, could go to other monster action frames.

What's the result of this? I'll have to create new sprites to several monsters in the game, I'll have a hell of a job, but trying leads to making things right, right?

That is all for today's news, maybe with this sprite recreation idea, I can try to put into practice my idea of gender based sprite difference, so one can tell by sight if a monster is male or female, and no worry, I plan on making it so people of all ages can play the game.

Until next news.

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