Saturday, June 25, 2022

About Guild Management Game weapon system's planned change.

I've been thinking about changing how weapons will work on the Guild Management Game project.

Instead of having to change weapons every x levels, I think I'll make so weapons will have different atributes they give by equipping them.

For example, we have the standard weapon the character can get, which gives them nothing extra. Another weapon of that type, could give increased physical damage, while another weapon can give increased critical damage. That kind of thing is what I want to do.

The good thing about doing that change, is that I'll not be forced to create new of a certain type of weapon every time new items must be added (For example, there aren't many existing pistol types to base on), and I can give the weapons some extra characteristic, and quality.

That change will make the item level be repurposed. I plan on adding a refine system in the future, so the item level might actually be handy about that.

As for the item ranks, I will still need to think about it, beside the game currently only has normal rank items. Probably will still give some extra bonus. I might need new items to make weapon ranks work, or maybe a future system could increase their rarity level.

As for the equipments like armors and stuff, there will be no change right now on how they work, beside some armors might still give bonus status to the characters wearing it, like is the case of what will happen to Wooden Armor, which increases defense by a percentage, while lowering attack speed.

That's what I wanted to discuss today. I will try seeing if I can implement that later.

Be sure to let me know what you think of this idea. And have fun. :)

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