Sunday, June 19, 2022

Hotfixes and Tweaks on Guild Management Game Project

Another patch just came out, with not only fixes to some bugs I left on the last update, but also with additions, like the new tutorial npc.

I added a equipments and inventory tutorial npc to East Gavea Field map. You aren't forced to do his quests, but you may do if you want to get some rewards. Be sure to have empty slots in the inventory before talking to him, or at least 2.

Here's the change log of the update:
Fixed bug where completting last quest didn't removed it from the quest tracker.
You can now see the name of npcs by passing the mouse over them.
Made the grass terrain a bit less brighter.
Added an Equipments and Inventory tutorial npc.
He's located at the Training Camp in East Gavea Field.
It's not necessary to do his quests to progress, but doing it will award you some guild exp and coins.
Tutorial quests now gives your party members a minimum of 20 Experience.
Maria's Pyromancy Technique gained the Flame Breath skill.
Fixed bugs where buff power wasn't affecting damage correctly.
First Aids and Lick Wounds skills now inflicts Mending buff on the target for 15 seconds.
That buff will increase the power of passive health regeneration.
Added a sound effect to First Aid skill.
Giant Acid Doggie monster is now recognized as Large type monster.
That will make causing confused debuff on it impossible.
Plasma Eaters attack will now behave differently.
Maria's Pyromancy Technique gained the Fire Enchantment skill.
This skill allows the user to apply a buff on an ally, that not only increases the chance of inflicting Burning debuff when attacking, but also increases Burning debuff power.
Buffed Bare Knuckles Boost passive skill threat percentage increase per level.
Fixed an issue with Denis hands when he's standing while in a non combat area (example: inside the town).
First Aid and Lick Wounds skills will now fail if you try using them on a defeated ally.
Added a dirt road to East Gavea Field and South Gavea Field.
Also added a sign on the crossroads of South Gavea Field. It will let you know which direction Gavea is, in case you get lost.
Nerfed the status increase your characters gains by leveling up.
Not only the bounty board will only show bounties you have disponible, but will also not troll you with its scrollbar when checking bounty info and description.
Fixed a few typos.

The addition of cone attack types makes me want to add new techniques to characters to make use of them. Currently, only Denis and Magara comes to mind about that. Since I didn't begun working yet on Magara's guild member character sprites, that means Denis should be gaining a Technique about using swords.

The First Aid and Lick Wounds skills got some buffs. Now they will give the target the Mending buff, which increases health regeneration. In combat, that wont be very much useful, but outside of combat, will help you regen health faster, and spend less time sitting down.

I also nerfed the player characters status, since they were getting way too overpowered for monsters. The idea I have for character status, is that between a certain range of levels, the monsters should still be a challenge, and that wasn't what was happening, since with a level 10 character, most monsters except the Naked Goats were hitting close to 1 of damage on my characters.

You can download the update from here:

Be sure to give me feedbacks about the game project. If you feel like something cool could be added, something could be changed, or have critics about why you may not like the project, do let me know.

Enjoy :)

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